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Navigating the Fog: Defining Success in Patient Advocacy

Navigating the Fog: Defining Success in Patient Advocacy “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else.” – Yogi Berra Advocacy teams serve as the compass steering healthcare towards truly patient-centered care. However, they often confront a significant hurdle: the lack of clear metrics to define success. This challenge is like setting… Continue reading Navigating the Fog: Defining Success in Patient Advocacy

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Telemedicine & Digital Health: Evolution, Benefits, & the Dual-edged Impact on Patient Care

In an era where technology and healthcare increasingly intersect, telemedicine has emerged as a pivotal force in reshaping patient care. This innovative approach to healthcare delivery leverages digital communication tools to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit. As we delve deeper into telemedicine’s impact, benefits, and potential pitfalls, it’s clear that while… Continue reading Telemedicine & Digital Health: Evolution, Benefits, & the Dual-edged Impact on Patient Care

Bridging Data Gaps in Health Equity: The Role of External Measurements in Patient Advocacy

In order for advocates to be catalyst for change, their efforts must be anchored in concrete metrics & external measurements. This approach sharpens the focus & empowers the shift from mere dialogue to decisive action. The significance of garnering feedback from the patient community and those who engage with patients daily cannot be overstated. This… Continue reading Bridging Data Gaps in Health Equity: The Role of External Measurements in Patient Advocacy

The Elavay Health Equity Report Debut

We are excited to announce our first release of the ELAVAY: Health Equity Report. See the press release below for more information. We are excited to share the results with the organizations that were ranked by patient advocacy organizations, professional societies, and community-based organizations! Congratulations to all of the organizations noted, including Johnson & Johnson… Continue reading The Elavay Health Equity Report Debut

My First Blog Post Here

Hello! This is my first blog post! Hello! This is my first blog post! Hello! This is my first blog post! Hello! This is my first blog post! Hello! This is my first blog post! Check out my website for more! Have a great day and be happy.

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